Sealer have the same functions as sanding sealer. But if sanding Sealer using pigments, so Sealer didn't use it. The most important in Sealer is must be have good clarity. If the clarity is poor, sealer can't be used anymore. We can said that sealer more likely Top Coat. Why? Cause many sealer made 90% same as the top coat, in this case the binder and additives. Remember not all additives used in Sealer. Such as scratch resistance and gloss reduction. So sealer have high gloss.
Sealer in paint coating mostly used in antique finishing, such as ASOF. Antique finish required have good clarity. Why must have good clarity? Antique finishing have so many step application. If sealer haven't good clarity, so the final result will be opaque. This may cause antique furniture worthless.
Because Sealer didn't use pigment, some times it's hard to sanded. So the applicator mus knowing what sealer they used.
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