Monday, September 24, 2012

Paint Remover

Secondhand Furniture
Do you have a secondhand furniture? Do you want to repainting so your furniture look like new again, and interesting? But you also want a good adhesion and maximum results?

Paint Remover for removing paint on wood or other panels. Why need a Paint Remover? When we buy a second-hand furniture or have and we want to fix the paint to appear more beautiful, we have to clean the paint stick. It is functioning so that when we do the repainting, the paint can stick perfectly. If the old paint had not been cleaned properly, the new paint will easily peel.

Paint Remover is not actually included in the paint. However, viewed as a function we need to add the Paint Remover in our blog. Indeed, in the field people usually just sanding the wood surface only. So feared would leave the old paint. So from that used paint remover. Not only that, to Poly Urethane (PU) will be very difficult to clean if you just use sandpaper alone. Because PU paint very hard.

Paint Remover is extremely easy to use. We stayed put on the surface of the paint that we will clean up. Let's wait a few minutes, then a layer of paint will flake off by itself. So we stayed rinsing with water, the wood or furniture will be completely clean of paint. To be remembered, because Paint Remover to remove paint then paint remover irritation. For your kindness, we recommend that you wear gloves when using it. If your hands are exposed to Paint Remover, immediately rinse with running water. Because it will feel hot on your hands.

In the furniture industry, paint remover is widely used to clean the paint marks on the furniture. So the painting process will be easier and provide maximum results. and for you, instead of buying new furniture, it would be great savings if you simply do repainting your furniture. However, keep in mind that the cleaning of paint on the furniture should really clean. If paint marks on your furniture thoroughly clean the result of repainting would be maximized and possessed good adhesion.

Paint Remover you can buy at the paint store nearest you. To find a good use, you should also ask to the dealer. So you don't hurt your self

Monday, May 02, 2011

Nitrocellulose Paint

In wood surface coating, there are so many paint for your furniture. If you did not know it, it can make you confused. Because the use are very different for each paints. Each paint has its own functions and advantages.Especially if you want to repair or repaint your furniture. There are solvent-based and water based which you can choose. Everything has advantages and disadvantages.

In solvent-based paint used in wood finishing have many types. Such as Pu(Poly Urethane) and NC(Nitrocellulose). The applied of NC widely used for furniture. Some companies use it to paint a guitar.

NC system used in wood finishing or wood surface coating has the advantage easily quick drying. Although the NC system has weaknesses will turn yellow (very low yellowing) when exposed to direct sunlight, but the paint is widely used in wood surface coating interior furniture. Further, the application of NC is very easy and produce a good coating. A good coating means having good clarity and smooth film. In NC there are top coat system (lacquer) which can produce a high gloss level (above 90%).

Some paints have paints NC Management system as a whole. From the putty until the top coat. Binder as its main component tend to have same type. Usually derived from alkyd and nitrocellulose dissolved in a solvent. Because binder from nitrocellulose so binder very dangerous and easily explode if not in certain circumstances. But if binder already in solution it is no longer dangerous to explode anymore. Only flammable as other solvent-based paints.

NC lacquer application is very easy. That is, diluted with solvent mixture(thinner). Company NC lacquer paint makers also sell paint and thinner. So if you want to use you should ask the NC paint thinners used. Because the NC paint based on solvent evaporation(1K paint), the solvent (thinner) strongly influence how quickly drying NC paints. This will also affect the price of thinner.

NC which is a solvent-based paint is a toxic substance. At this time already developed NC paint that free formaldehyde. So at dry paint, NC is non toxic. These paints are toxic only during wet conditions(wet paint). If you apply this paint you should use a mask and keep out of reach of children.