Base Coat or primer used in the solid color systems. Base coat serves as a body or giving shape so the layer of paint was flat before it's given final layer and the wood perfectly closed. The mostly color of base coat used is white. Why using white color? Using white color expected not to affect the color of top coat. But sometimes the color base coat can also follow the color of top coat.
The percentage solid pigment on base coat have features a high pigment but lower when compared with the wooden putty and wood filler. Base coat should have good adhesion. Because the base coat also functions as a bridge between the wooden putty with the top coat. The using of binders on the base coat and top coat can be equal or different. The most important is good adhesion between the coating. If the adhesion of base coat with wooden putty not good at all, then as good as any top coat, the adhesion will also poor. If We look of solid content, sometimes solid content of base coat higher than the top coat, sometimes also same. If the solid content top coat was taken from the binder, while the base coat from pigments.
Position base coat or primer on furniture painting just like sanding sealer on transparent systems. It's just use different pigments. Why can say same? Because the base coat and sanding sealer should be easy to sanding and do not leave marks on sandpaper. The percentage of pigment that used is also different. Primer or base coat can also used as a blocking stains from woods.
Is it possible if without a base coat? What if only using top coat? Practically it could. But try to compare the price. Prices of top coat definitely more expensive than the base coat. Why? Because the content of binder in the top coat much more than the base coat. With a lot of binder content in top coat so the pigment content was less and less, so the top coat will be more difficult to sanding. Different with base coat or primer which easily to sanding.
The percentage solid pigment on base coat have features a high pigment but lower when compared with the wooden putty and wood filler. Base coat should have good adhesion. Because the base coat also functions as a bridge between the wooden putty with the top coat. The using of binders on the base coat and top coat can be equal or different. The most important is good adhesion between the coating. If the adhesion of base coat with wooden putty not good at all, then as good as any top coat, the adhesion will also poor. If We look of solid content, sometimes solid content of base coat higher than the top coat, sometimes also same. If the solid content top coat was taken from the binder, while the base coat from pigments.
Position base coat or primer on furniture painting just like sanding sealer on transparent systems. It's just use different pigments. Why can say same? Because the base coat and sanding sealer should be easy to sanding and do not leave marks on sandpaper. The percentage of pigment that used is also different. Primer or base coat can also used as a blocking stains from woods.
Is it possible if without a base coat? What if only using top coat? Practically it could. But try to compare the price. Prices of top coat definitely more expensive than the base coat. Why? Because the content of binder in the top coat much more than the base coat. With a lot of binder content in top coat so the pigment content was less and less, so the top coat will be more difficult to sanding. Different with base coat or primer which easily to sanding.
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