Knowing your paint is better way before you paint your furniture. Why? If you knowing what your paint it would help you to know what the best paint for your furniture. It's for exterior or interior? It's for children toys or not? It's for baby cribs or not? In recoqnize our blog, we mention that we focus on water based paint. Why? Because water based paint is paint that more environmental friendly if compare with solvent based paint.
We already tell you about wooden putty water based and wood filler water based. Now we'll try to explain what is base coat or primer water based. Primer water based is a primer or base coat that can diluted with water. Primer water based used in solid color paint coating. This paint many used to coating kitchen set or children toy's which made from wood. Is it safe for children? Because this is a water based paint, of course, is safe for children. But are all primer water based safe for children? Not all of them. Why? Because depending on what the paint components used.
Paint components was a major factor if water based paint is safe for children or not. Because few people actually still don't understand with VOC(Volatile Organic Compound). In water based paints are sometimes still uses co-solvent that come from derivative of petroleum. Such as butyl cellosove, butyl diglicol, alcohol and others. This material is used to lower the MFFT(Minimum Film Formation Temperature) of the binder. Then in drying of water based paints, this solvent will evaporate into the open air. That the feared is when this material will evaporate and inhaled by humans. At this time, many additive manufactures make additives that can lowered MFFT but not to evaporate. It called plasticizer. This additives more safe than co-solvent.
Primer water based also use biocides ingredients to maintain resistance against fungal paint. This material is usually corrosive. It will cause itching or irritation if direct contact with skin. Supplier of biocide additives must already understanding this case. They also issued a Technical Data and Material Safety Data Sheet to determine the content of biocide additives. So the manufacture of paints, could restricted this additives. In many developed countries, has issued regulations governing how many are allowed to use paint components containing hazardous materials.
Primer water based use highly depends on the amount of binders and pigments used. Because primer water based serves as a bridge between the wood or wooden putty with the top coat. A good primer water based will have a good adhesion even though adhesion is only through this phase(coating only primer on the top of wood). Good adhesion can be drawn from the comparison between binders and pigments. More and more binders used the adhesion result will be better. But whether the sanding is good? So a good selection of primer water based is having a good adhesion to wood and easily sanded. Easily sanded the primary will be smooth and flat the surface and ready to coating with top coat.
Primer water based may also used in interior and exterior. But of course supported by the paint components that resistant to weather. Primer for the exterior usually will be difficult choices for paint makers. Because the paint makers need make of weather resistant paint that using binder with flexible characteristic, easily sanded and have good adhesion. While the use of flexible binder too much will affect the sanding.
Some primer water based coating could be coating again with solvent based paint. Especially with the NC. This will be cost down to the furniture company. In addition, primer water based could coating again with top coat PU and UV coating. If you will use 2 types of paint, water based and solvent based, you shouldn't only test the adhesion but also the durability. If the adhesion between the primer water based and top coat solvent based is not quite good, isn't because bad quality of primer or top coat. The lack of good adhesion can be due to primer water based that too hard. While primer water based that too hard, it could due to the use of binders and pigments.
We already tell you about wooden putty water based and wood filler water based. Now we'll try to explain what is base coat or primer water based. Primer water based is a primer or base coat that can diluted with water. Primer water based used in solid color paint coating. This paint many used to coating kitchen set or children toy's which made from wood. Is it safe for children? Because this is a water based paint, of course, is safe for children. But are all primer water based safe for children? Not all of them. Why? Because depending on what the paint components used.
Paint components was a major factor if water based paint is safe for children or not. Because few people actually still don't understand with VOC(Volatile Organic Compound). In water based paints are sometimes still uses co-solvent that come from derivative of petroleum. Such as butyl cellosove, butyl diglicol, alcohol and others. This material is used to lower the MFFT(Minimum Film Formation Temperature) of the binder. Then in drying of water based paints, this solvent will evaporate into the open air. That the feared is when this material will evaporate and inhaled by humans. At this time, many additive manufactures make additives that can lowered MFFT but not to evaporate. It called plasticizer. This additives more safe than co-solvent.
Primer water based also use biocides ingredients to maintain resistance against fungal paint. This material is usually corrosive. It will cause itching or irritation if direct contact with skin. Supplier of biocide additives must already understanding this case. They also issued a Technical Data and Material Safety Data Sheet to determine the content of biocide additives. So the manufacture of paints, could restricted this additives. In many developed countries, has issued regulations governing how many are allowed to use paint components containing hazardous materials.
Primer water based use highly depends on the amount of binders and pigments used. Because primer water based serves as a bridge between the wood or wooden putty with the top coat. A good primer water based will have a good adhesion even though adhesion is only through this phase(coating only primer on the top of wood). Good adhesion can be drawn from the comparison between binders and pigments. More and more binders used the adhesion result will be better. But whether the sanding is good? So a good selection of primer water based is having a good adhesion to wood and easily sanded. Easily sanded the primary will be smooth and flat the surface and ready to coating with top coat.
Primer water based may also used in interior and exterior. But of course supported by the paint components that resistant to weather. Primer for the exterior usually will be difficult choices for paint makers. Because the paint makers need make of weather resistant paint that using binder with flexible characteristic, easily sanded and have good adhesion. While the use of flexible binder too much will affect the sanding.
Some primer water based coating could be coating again with solvent based paint. Especially with the NC. This will be cost down to the furniture company. In addition, primer water based could coating again with top coat PU and UV coating. If you will use 2 types of paint, water based and solvent based, you shouldn't only test the adhesion but also the durability. If the adhesion between the primer water based and top coat solvent based is not quite good, isn't because bad quality of primer or top coat. The lack of good adhesion can be due to primer water based that too hard. While primer water based that too hard, it could due to the use of binders and pigments.
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